

I am blocked. I have an article to write, all the information is at the tips of my hands. I have videos, an interview and a great story, but I´m lacking in drive to just sit down and write. I guess that´s what writer´s block is all about.

I´ve spent my afternoon fiddling with my cell phone, reading every single feed on my reader, visiting randome websites and playing online games. At a point I just got tired of sitting in front of the screen and being unproductive so I moved to the couch, watched tv and enjoyed not doing anything.

I don´t have deadlines, and that just makes it tougher to keep myself on my toes, or to feel the pressure to finish something. I´ve spent 8 hours trying to look busy, and to feel busy and actually doing nothing.

This week I feel as if my brain has been placed on hold. I´ve been mixing up dates, hours, meetings and people. Like i´ve been wired incorrectly and things that usually aren´t that difficult are impossible to do. Last night I collapsed into bed at 8pm, woke up at 1 and was only able to fall asleep once again at 4:30 am. I can think of at least 1 dozen different solutions, but I think that i´m wanting to be in this mindless state. If I don´t think about it, maybe it won´t happen. Or maybe it will.

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